Friday, September 16, 2011

Kinky Curly

I recently purchased the Kjnkt-Curly products go give them a whirl. I picked up the Come Clean shampoo, the Knot Today, and the Custard.

With the shampoo I like the fact that it does what it says it will do and that is get your hair squeaky clean, a little to clean actually. I noticed that it actually kind of left Lynns hair really dry, it basically stripped her hair of everything even it's natural oils.

The Knot Today I wasn't to sure if due to the fact that it was very sudsy making me think that I didn't wash the shampoo completely out of her hair causing me to rewash her hair. I'm not sure if her hair is just to thick for this product but it didn't do as it said and aid in the detangling process, but I did see a difference with her curl pattern

In applying the Custard I love the way her hair looks while wet bug when fully dried it felt a little too dry for me. Now keep in mind that she has very thick hair. So I'm not going to give up on this product just yet. I am going to try it on Katts hair since she has a finer hair texture and her curls are a little looser.

Oh and I can't forget about the shrinkage lol

Banding Fail

First off I have been MIA the past couple of days reason being is a little thing called Life. I just got caught up in it real quickly but now I am back :) yay!

Well anywho back to the reason for the post. I tried banding for the first time and failed miserably.

I started by washing Lynn's hair trying something new, the Kinky-Curly Come Clean Shampoo, followed by the Kinky-Curly Knot Today used as a leave in and detangler. I'm not to sure on how I feel about them just yet before I pass judgement I will try them out again.

After the detagling process I put a little of our Shea Moisture Smoothie on her hair and proceeded to band starting at the base working the ouchless scrunchies downward. And tied her hair down for the night. Praying that it would be dry by morning cause guess what, the weather dropped yesterday afternoon and I just knew it was going to be cold in the morning. And I was right it's 40 degrees this morning.

This morning I took down the bands and of course her hair was still damp not to mention sticky for some reason so yes another wash is in order for tonight before I have class tomorrow.

I ended up just braiding her hair in the sections so it can dry and stretch the old fashion way

I may end up just doing our tried and true routine because she has such thick curly hair and not to mention her sensory issues so thus new routine she was not feeling at all. I will keep you updated.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hair Types

Have you ever wondered what your hair type or curl pattern is? Well here is a chart that has helped me figure out what kind of hair me and my girls have Hair types can range anywhere from 1 - 4c, 1 being no curl pattern at all and 4c being the tightest curls possible. You may also notice that you or your little one have a combination of hair and yes it is possible for a person to have 2-3 different curl patterns. So take a look at the chart and see what curl patter are you and you curly haired cutie.

So do you see your curl pattern? What is it? For myself I am a mixture of 4a in the back and 3a-3b to the top of my head. Kay, is 4c tightly coiled and kinky, Katt is 3c curly and thin, Ti-Ti is 4a and very thick, Alex has 4a very thin and dry hair, and Bug has 4a hair and I would say a medium  thickness. 

Different textures take differently to all products so what you use on one child's head may not work on the other but moisture is a key factor in natural hair care. We don't want the hair to get to dry if so it will become brittle and break off causing severe damage. Just keep trying different things until you find what works best for your little ones hair. Don't give up. You will find something. 


Last night i did my first Braided/Twisted up Faux-Hawk on Lyyn's Hair and I must say that I am really proud of myself. Of course I will get better as time goes on and I practice and I have noticed me already getting better with the 2nd one I did on Katt's hair. 

I started off with Lynn ,my test subject. I didn't get a change to wash her hair and stretch it like I wanted to so I just had to work with what I had which was a big puffy, tangly mess. I started by first sectioning her hair into four sections and on each section I applied the Shea Moisture Organic Coconut & Hibiscus Curl & Style Milk. (Her hair loves this stuff) it softens it up just enough for me to untangle each section and keeps her hair moisturized. After detangling each section I then parted her hair down the middle leaving the section that was going to be left out for twisting. Going down the middle I began the process of twisting the hair, braiding at the base about half an inch down and then twisting, this will ensure that her twists will stay in for a longer period of time and not look sloppy. (her hair when stretched reaches a little above the small of her back she has major shrinkage) Before I forget I also twisted using the Shea Moisture Organic & Hibiscus Curling Souffle' w/ Agave Nectar and Flax Seed Oil. (it's a gel) just to hold and seal her ends. 

After doing the middle twits, I went ahead and started braiding the right side, just free style braiding Nothing fancy seeing  as this was just my trial run, and a learning experience for me. (please excuse the shoes and what looks to be one of the kids shirts in the background) . With the sides, I just braided them up to meet where the twists began in the middle. 

Like I said nothing fancy on the braid up, When I got done with the right side, I went on to do the left side. Again nothing fancy with the braid up I tried to keep it the same as the other side 

When completly done, I played with the front, and looked to see where my mistakes were and saw where I could fix for the next time. I tried this style. Little did I know that it was going to be the same night because Katt saw it and wanted me to do her hair the same. No mind you I try not to do all of their hair the same. I like for each girl to keep their own individuality with Katt & Lynn looking so much alike sometimes it is hard to tell them apart. So with trial and error in mind I went on to do Katts hair this time a little differently that Lynn's. I went ahead and used the same Hair Milk on her head but along with the Hair Milk, I used the Shea Moisture Coconut & Hibiscus Curl Enhancing Smoothie Btw Katt's hair has major shrinkage also, her hair when stretched is to the middle of her back, her hair is also finer and curlier than Lynn's Thick Curly Locks.

I seperated her hair in the middle tying it off so that it is secure and out of my way, I also did her middle a little smaller. I then started to braid up the left side this time branching out and doing a little bit of a style with the braiding, Freehand of course. 

Once I got that down I then moved on to the right side of her head, trying to keep the same pattern.

Once I got done with both sides I went ahead and twisted up the middle, starting from the nape of the neck working my way up. Also braiding at the base twisting about half an inch from the braid. 

With the front I decided to leave a piece out and braid it down to the side and twist the end. 
 I am glad I was able to try this on my girls hair as you can see the 2nd time around is a little better. I will also have a product review coming up on the products that I used on both girls hairs. What works for one may not always work for the other. so Yes I am starting to become a product junkie but so far I have been lucky to where the Shea Moisture Lines seems to be working well with 3/5 of the girls.

Stay Tuned for I will be adding more styles, Discussions, Reviews, and Tips. Also, there will be a giveaway when we hit 50 Subbies, so tell your friends and Family and don't you forget to Sub yourself.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Hello World! Well I have been MIA for the past month busy, busy with weddings, vacation, and my mom being sick. But I am back home in GA now and ready to take this blogging by storm. So much has happened since I last logged on. I have come across and tried a few products, so I have some reviews coming soon, I have tried and successfully did a twist, mini twist, and twist out, the girls have started school so yes there is alot to catch up on. Not to mention I am still in the process of learning how to navigate and use the blogs. So just continue to bear with me please. I hope to have this fully under control within the next month or two. Thanks.